Monday, June 21, 2010

I Won't Be Doing Squat In Cape Town

I've arrived in Cape Town for the Portugal vs. North Ko . . . sorry, DPRK game. Let me assure you that going to the game is all I will be doing, for several reasons.

1. I'm knackered. I woke up at 3:15 this morning as my flight from Jo'Burg was at 6 AM. I probably got to the airport far earlier than I needed to, but you can never be too careful.

2. It's pouring. The weather at the airport was nice and the sunrise was gorgeous, but I could see an ugly cloud looming ominously over Table Mountain and indeed, it's raining rather heavily. Not Korean monsoon heavy, but heavy enough that I'll be taking the hotel's shuttle to the game, despite the fact that I specifically booked a hotel close to the stadium.

3. My hotel is really nice. I ended up booking a 5-star hotel because it was close to the stadium and surprisingly cheap.

4. I'm doing it all over again tomorrow. A 6 AM flight to Durban. Yikes.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of offense in there, albeit one-sided.

    I looked for news of the match on the Korean Central News Agency of DPRK website but they don't have a recap of the annihilation by Portugal up yet.

    The site *does* have an account of the earlier DPRK match with Brazil, posted on "June 16 2010 Juch 99" which, strangely, fails to give the final score of the match let alone directly mention that the North Korean team lost:

    "Match between DPRK and Brazil

    "Pyongyang, June 16 (KCNA) -- The league match of the 2010 World Cup between the DPRK and Brazil took place at dawn (Pyongyang time) on Wednesday.

    "From the outset of the match the two teams fought a seesaw battle. The DPRK footballers created good shooting chances, not losing their confidence even after losing two goals.

    "At about the 88th minute of the match Jong Tae Se headed the ball before passing it to Ji Yun Nam who powerfully kicked it into the rival's goalmouth, scoring a goal.

    "The DPRK team will meet its Portuguese rival on June 21."

    There apparently are no losses on the revolutionary path to Socialist Victory.
